The Return of the Bug Saturday 27th February 2021 Last year took a turn nobody could have expected with a global pandemic. As such, conventions around the world made the difficult choice of cancel or go online. Still, under the shadow of the pandemic, this decision rests with Dudley Bug Ball, also. This year, following …

Supporting Behçet’s UK
This year, in addition to Honeypot, we are supporting Behçet’s UK. From their website: Behçet’s Syndrome (also known as Behçet’s Disease or, simply, Behçet’s) is a chronic condition resulting from disturbances in the body’s immune system. This system, which normally protects the body against infections by producing controlled inflammation, becomes over-active and results in unpredictable …

Well it’s only 4 weeks until 22nd & 23rd February, and the manic is starting to set in. Not only are we sorting out the miniatures for the event but tickets are starting to be sent out (finally). As with last year’s Duggley, the first 200 delegates get these free miniatures based on the cover …

We have now updated the Attending page with a current list of exhibitors. This is not a final list.

We are pleased to announce that our friends at Wolverhanpton Board Games will be running board games for us throughout the day. Big thanks to Lee and his team.

History of the Dudley Bug Ball
Conceived in 1995, the Dudley Bug Ball returns! A potted history on the convention’s seven year run!